Childcare for changing shifts

Childcare for changing shifts

  • Returning To Work? 3 Ways To Maximise Value For Your Kids From A Childcare Centre

    Having children is perhaps one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, so you obviously want to spend as much time with them as possible. But there may come a time when you decide to go back to work and have to put them in a childcare centre. This guide equips you with ways to maximise value for your kids when you put them in a childcare centre. Choose A Childcare Centre Offering A Constructive Learning Environment

  • 3 ways integrating music into a preschool program can help children

    Music has long been known to be beneficial to children's growing minds. More and more research is showing us the many benefits of starting music programs early, from as young as preschool age. Here are some of the reasons that you should look for a child care that incorporates music into its preschool program.  Music improves social skills Studies show that preschoolers who have been exposed to music are 6 times more likely to co-operate and show about 30 times more helpfulness.

  • Obtaining a Much-Needed Place in a Child Care Centre

    The most desirable childcare centres often have a long waiting list. If you are currently planning for your family and know that you will be needing a place in a long-term daycare centre, here are some tips to make sure that you move up the list.  Specify that you will be needing the place for work-related requirements Childcare centres usually follow a hierarchy of needs when considering different families' applications for spaces.

  • How Speech Therapy Can Help Cure A Child's Stammer

    It's not uncommon for young children to go through a phase of stammering.  Stammering often disappears without any form of therapy or intervention as the child grows older, but the affliction persists, you may need to seek the assistance of a speech therapist.  Read on to find out how a speech therapist could help a child who stammers. What causes stammering? Stammering usually appears during the phase of speech development when the child's vocabulary increases and they are learning to form more complex sentences.

  • Considerations When Making a Decision on a Child Care Centre

    Becoming a parent means that you will require child care services at one time or another. Your individual situation will dictate if this will be a long-term arrangement or an occasional requirement. However, not matter why you need these services, it is always best to ensure that you start your selection process early. This gives you ample time to find the most suitable child care centre that will meet your child's needs as well as your personal preferences.

2023© Childcare for changing shifts
About Me
Childcare for changing shifts

We have the trickiest time finding childcare for our baby, as we both do shift work. My husband is a police officer, and I'm a doctor, so we always seem to struggling to get someone to look after our son when we are at work at nights. We want to know that he is being loved and cared for even when we are not there. Luckily we have a great childcare service that is flexible, and sometimes we can leave our son longer if we need to work later or if emergencies arise. This blog is about juggling childcare for shift workers.